Days of suspense are over.

Written on 5/07/2010 10:23:00 pm by Swift!

ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹിച്ച രണ്ടു കാര്യങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ച് തീരുമാനമായ ദിനം.ഒന്ന് കിട്ടുമെന്ന്ഏകദേശം ഉറപ്പായി. മറ്റേതു കിട്ടില്ലെന്നും. :) :(

It's on.

Written on 5/06/2010 07:31:00 am by Swift!

The war is started.

Pichle saat dino mein

Written on 5/02/2010 10:53:00 pm by Swift!

In Mangalore, half of the year you would wish it rained, and the other half you wish it stopped. Rains have started.

In the last seven days,
I played frisbee, I played cricket, I played shuttle and yes! I played guitar.
I bought a pair of new jeans(after planning for 6 months!) and I attended guitar classes.
I bought a guitar bag, I am planning to buy a new guitar and planning to buy much more.
And i got a hike.
And..I attended a vellamadi party.