If it can..., it will!

Written on 11/25/2008 11:25:00 pm by Swift!

Murphy's Law: "if anything can go wrong, it will". This is one of my favourite laws governing day-to -day life..Now don't call me a pessimist. I love this law because it proves to be true on many occasions, almost every time.

My version of the law is: things never happen as you want it to be. If you want something, you never get it. If you have lost interest in something, it won't be too long before you have it.

Well, I am experiencing too much of "Murphy" nowadays, the latest being my return to my job. When I really wanted to get back to work, there was no way that I could. Now when I have slipped into a holiday mood, they want me back.

I am returning to that "self-sufficient" world, that place which never made me homesick. That kind of place in which you rarely get a chance to be in. I am getting back to work on December 1st. But things will be very different this time. This time it will be more challenging and tough, hope it's more creative and productive too.

Once again: hereafter you will fing me at-
GEC, Infosys, Mysore.

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